Since the mandatory introduction of e-filing in January 2020, we have received repeated feedback from our clients that many have found the system time consuming and cumbersome. We have therefore developed our procedures to meet our clients' needs.
In addition to our 7-day bill drawing service, we offer a ‘cradle to grave’ service for all matters which require assessment by the SCCO.
Our service starts with the Bill of Costs being prepared by us in the normal manner and sent to you for approval. When the signed bill has been received back from you, we proceed to e-file the bill and supporting documents. Upon receipt of the acceptance notice from the court, your file of papers is then lodged with the Costs Office. Once the costs have been assessed, and you have approved the amount allowed, we then prepare and e-file the costs summary and Final Costs Certificate on your behalf.
Files can be collected from your home or office by our complimentary in-house courier or sent via the DX. We accept electronic files case management and have a priority service available for urgent matters.
Our team has an outstanding reputation for their skill, expertise, and integrity. Many of the Bills we prepare are approved as drawn. The Company includes Costs Lawyers who are regulated by the Costs Lawyers Standards Board.
We can offer a variety of competitive fee structures to suit your individual requirements, whether on a case by case basis or on a service level agreement. We would be pleased to discuss this with you at the outset. Please contact Costs Lawyer Alison Bradbury to discuss your requirements: ab@sphcosts.com or 01772 435550
Court Service link: https://efile.cefile-app.com/